Book Club Choice #2 Author Q&A

Book Club Choice #2 Author Q & A Once again, we find ourselves sitting in a book-lined library, a crackling fire nearby (none of the books are on fire), a tray of lovely canapés nearby. I am sitting here with Michael Garcia and we’re here to talk about Agamemnon. Q: Why an Expanded Universe? How does this story fit in with your own plans for your universe? Is this a corner, or more of a cornerstone?   A: I think in order to answer that, I have to talk a little bit about why I wrote Agamemnon in the first place. Just prior to writing The Quarterdeck Breed, I had finished writing The Misadventures of January McKenna, which was an alternate universe novella about a young ensign starting her career right as the entire universe is yanked out from under...

Book Club Choice #1 Author Q&A

Book Club Choice #1 Author Q & A Q&A with jespah Technically, this is more QQQ’s and whatever A’s I can get from jespah. But I imagined myself sitting down in front of a crackling fire in a book lined library with my dear associate jespah and conversing with her about her writing. Here then, is some of those ponderings. Beginning with Paving Stones, why the Mirror Universe? Why Doug? Simple enough questions, but given the wealth and range of your own expanded universe, why did you seek to explore the Mirror Universe too? In relation to that, why the focus here and elsewhere on a character who was only a recurring character for a season on Prime ENT? I adore Steven Culp and I think he had the potential to be more. Culp himself says he was originally hired...